Our “Flagship” medical weight loss program is a doctor-supervised program in which we use a prescription appetite suppressant medication to help control hunger and cravings, as well as effective metabolism enhancers to help you feel great and burn more fat. Patients at our weight loss clinics in Scottsdale and Mesa have experienced excellent results with our flagship program.
Throughout this program, we will provide you with both an oral metabolism enhancer, as well as Vitamin B Injections with Lipotropics (MIC -“Fat Burners”).
New Results Medical Weight Loss’ Protocol will teach you a way of eating that is both enjoyable and sustainable. You will eat your own food, not chalky meal replacements. We will teach you a way of eating that will get your body working WITH you instead of against you! With the help of the appetite suppressants, most patients are surprised by how simple and effective our programs are.
During your initial visit, you will complete a thorough questionnaire and medical history. To expedite the process, click here to print and complete the form prior to your first appointment. You will receive a complete medical evaluation (see below), and you will be given an individualized plan that delivers weight loss RESULTS. During this first appointment, we will also dispense an appetite suppressant (prescription or non-prescription); administer a B-Vitamin with Lipotropic (Fat Burners) Injection, as well as other metabolism enhancers.