Semaglutide and Phentermine Weight Loss Program

Semaglutide and Phentermine: A Supervised Weight Loss Program

Completing an in-office EKG may allow us to dispense prescription appetite suppressants (such as phendimetrazine or phentermine) if needed.  These medications can be helpful while we are working to get to the effective dose of Semaglutide.  Also, these agents can be highly effective during the transition off of Semaglutide or during the maintenance phase after Semaglutide treatment. Although these drugs are extremely safe and have been used for decades, an EKG is necessary to facilitate safe treatment with these agents.

Our “Flagship” medical weight loss program is a doctor-supervised program in which we use a prescription appetite suppressant medication (phendimetrazine or phentermine) to help control hunger and cravings, as well as effective metabolism enhancers to help you feel great and burn more fat.

Can You Take Semaglutide and Phentermine Together?

There currently needs to be more research involving taking Phentermine and Semaglutide simultaneously. Therefore, the safety or dangers of this practice are still unknown. However, some healthcare providers choose to prescribe both drugs simultaneously, despite potential health risks. They may prescribe this combination for overweight people and those with diabetes. These two medications help you reach your weight loss goals even faster. Some people may respond more favorably to this combination of medications than others.

It’s important to note that both medications come with their side effects. Therefore, they may not be appropriate for everyone. Your provider can help you understand whether you’re a good candidate for Semaglutide or Phentermine.

Potential Benefits of Taking Both Semaglutide and Phentermine

Both Phentermine and Semaglutide are powerful weight-loss aids on their own. But some people may experience a more rapid loss of excess pounds by taking them together. Here are some of the potential benefits of combining these two medications:

  • Reduced appetite: Both phentermine and semaglutide help to reduce appetite. Phentermine stimulates chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. These neurotransmitters cause a natural decrease in appetite. Semaglutide works by slowing down the rate of digestion, so your body feels fuller longer. It also reduces blood sugar to decrease the body’s hunger response.
  • Improved weight loss: phentermine and semaglutide both promote weight loss on their own. When combined, your weight-loss results may be even more pronounced.
  • Blood sugar control: phentermine and semaglutide help reduce unhealthy cravings. Therefore, they can make blood sugar control easier for people with diabetes.

How Are Semaglutide and Phentermine Administered?

Semaglutide is an injection injected into the stomach, thigh, or upper arm once per week. You’ll be in the clinic to have a skilled provider administer the injections each week. You can also receive instructions to administer the injections yourself from the comfort of your own home, let’s discuss if this is your preference. In the latter case, you must always follow our injection instructions.

Phentermine is a daily capsule you take orally. You can take it with or without food. However, you should avoid taking it in the afternoon or evening because doing so can impact your ability to sleep at night. It’s best to take this drug first thing in the morning.

New Results Medical Weight Loss’ Protocol will also teach you a way of eating that is both enjoyable and sustainable.  You will eat real food, not chalky meal replacements. We will teach you a way of eating that will get your body working WITH you instead of against you!

During your initial visit, you will complete a thorough questionnaire and medical history.  To expedite this process, click here to print and complete the form before your first appointment.  You will receive a complete medical evaluation (see below), and you will be given an individualized plan that delivers weight loss RESULTS.

Patients return to the office weekly to monitor their progress, and to receive unending advice, instruction, encouragement, and support!  We will check your weight and BMI during these weekly visits, dispense medications, administer your energy and fat burning injection, and complete a mini health assessment.  This weekly consultation sets New Results Medical Weight Loss apart from the rest – all your questions will be answered, and our staff delivers the accountability, encouragement, and advice that you need to achieve your weight loss goal!

*Individual results may vary. Seek medical advice before starting any weight loss program. Contact New Results Medical Weight Loss to make sure this is the right solution for you.

What To Expect At Your Initial Visit

  • You will complete a thorough questionnaire and medical history.  Please click here to print out the form if you would like to complete it before your first appointment.
  • We will perform an electrocardiogram (EKG) to ensure that there are no reasons why we can’t safely use the prescription appetite suppressant.
  • Complete Blood Panel: We will look at your thyroid function, fasting glucose, cholesterol, and other parameters of good health.  We will evaluate and discuss these findings with you during your first follow-up appointment.
  • Physician or Nurse Practitioner Exam and Approval: Our doctor or nurse practitioner will do a brief medical history and exam to determine which program is the safest and best option for each patient.
  • We will measure your weight and BMI (Body Mass Index), as well as your blood pressure and pulse.
  • Together, we will determine your weight loss goals, and we will tailor and review the New Results Medical Weight Loss Protocol in detail with you, showing you not only HOW but WHY this approach is so effective.
  • We will dispense the Prescription Appetite Suppressant in the office

Weekly Visits Include:

  • Weight and BMI Calculation
  • Health Review
  • Semaglutide Injection
  • Appetite Suppressant
  • Physician review of your progress and/or chart
  • Advice, Suggestions, Encouragement, and Support


Appointment Request

Appointment Request

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Individual Results May Vary

*Individual results may vary. Seek medical advice before starting any weight loss program. Contact New Results Medical Weight Loss to make sure this is the right solution for you.