So, How Restrictive Are the Weight Loss Programs?

We want to first explain that each of these programs is designed and built to help you lose weight based on your specific needs and goals.

We have three different weight loss programs available for clients.

  • Program One: Prescription Appetite Suppressant, this is our flagship program and is also doctor supervised.
  • Program Two: Amino Acid Appetite Suppressant, this program is more geared toward patients that are more about losing weight the “natural” way. This program is as well supervised by a doctor and will follow the same basic food program.
  • Program Three: Our “Quick-Start” Program, is our more recent addition and it’s considered the abbreviated version of our flagship program, but just as effective. With each of these programs, we often get asked: how restrictive are each of these programs?

Our team at New Results Medical Weight Loss begins by taking your BMI, and discussing what you’re eating habits are and what you hope to achieve in our clinic. Once we have a better understanding of your eating habits and lifestyle, we help tailor one of our three programs to your needs. We will also teach you a new way of eating that is both enjoyable and sustainable. We will not subject to chalky meal replacements, we want you to still have the freedom to enjoy your normal everyday food.

When it comes to food in our programs, we do not want it to just be about eating healthy, we want it to be about eating what you want in manageable portions. At New Results Medical Weight Loss, we encourage you to eat lean proteins, vegetables, and cut back on the carbohydrates – but this means just putting a bit of spin on what you eat normally.  Again, this new way of eating is not going to really inhibit the normal way you eat. Our goal is for you to eat what you want but also know about portion control and being healthy. With our tailored programs, we will not just tell you cannot eat something we will explain the reasoning of why it’s better to avoid certain foods based on your medical analysis and BMI and goals.

If you’re ready to start losing weight and not feel restricted on food choices, then it’s time to schedule an appointment with New Results Medical Weight Loss. Our team is ready to encourage you and give you the support you need to reach your weight loss goals.

If you have any additional questions about our programs, feel free to give us a call, we are always happy to answer any questions you may have about weight loss.